

Past Member Of Athletic APEX Since OCT. 2017​...JB

​I am part of the first members of APEX​ @DestinyUSA...JB

APEX closed JAN. 05.2020 at Destiny USA...JB

cutting edge health, fitness methods, technology and environments for apex health


Athletic APEX Are Premier Health Fitness Centers With

A Strong Commitment Towards Personalized Service 

And Individual Attention For Those Seeking To Achieve A Healthier Lifestyle. 

All you need to meet your fitness goals

OUR Specialists

Athletic APEX Health Clubs are internationally recognized for innovation by the largest health club organization in the world. We’re committed to providing clients with the latest in cutting edge health and fitness methods, technology and environments for APEX health and fitness results. The services of Athletic Apex have been used by the United States Secret Service, US Navy Seals, numerous Olympic teams, world renowned professional athletes and numerous individuals worldwide looking to reach the APEX of their bodies’ performance potential. 

Friendly, highly-trained, and experienced staff